The Earth’s oceans house unique and majestic marine life and organisms. While people enjoy its beauty and bask in the recreational activities afforded by the ocean’s vast expanse, it’s important to acknowledge that oceans are indispensable for life on earth.
The ocean produces over half of the world’s oxygen, regulates the climate and weather patterns, and provides natural materials used to create medicinal products that treat cancers, arthritis, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.
Unfortunately, man-made pollutants, plastics, and illegal, unlawful, and unregulated fishing threaten the ocean’s viability. Government regulations have been useful in diminishing some damage to the ocean. However, it is the work of this organization’s three prominent grassroots initiatives that have been instrumental in making substantive changes to mitigate the ocean environmental crisis.
In this experience, you will attend a panel comprising three leaders in ocean conservation. The panel members are:
- Dr. James Porter, Director of International Dialogue on Underwater Munitions (IDUM)
- Paula Rosales, Founder of The Ocean Defenders
- Tez Steinberg, Founder of United World Challenge
The panelists will discuss who they are, what they do, and their contributions in alleviating pollution in our oceans. They will talk about themselves and their organizations and include a call to action and opportunities for you to learn more about their initiatives.
- Welcome and Conversation Starter (5 minutes)
- Introduction to the Facilitator and Icebreaker (5 minutes)
- Nonprofit & Panelist Introduction (10 minutes)
- Panel (24 minutes)
- Q&A and Calls to Action (13 minutes)
- Celebrating the Impact (3 minutes)